THE SOCIAL LEADER is presented by Reconciliation Services and hosted by Father Justin Mathews. This weekly broadcast features interviews with social leaders in the community who are championing issues of mental health, diversity, equity, and inclusion.
“Learning to Lead for Social Impact.”
043: “Investing in Your Community” (J.R. Buckner, CEO First Federal Bank)
“As we invest in organizations like Thelma’s Kitchen, that’s paying a dividend back to our shareholders – the community we serve. That’s building up the community so that everyone can thrive, not just a handful of people.”
042: “Win at Work & Succeed at Life” (Megan Hyatt Miller, CEO)
"It's a new day in terms of leadership." That's Megan Hyatt Miller, President and Chief Executive Officer at Michael Hyatt & Company and the co-host of the popular business podcast, Lead to Win.
Become a More Compassionate Leader Today
A mental health crisis calls for action, but you're likely still trying to figure out how to manage your own mental health, let alone understanding and supporting your team's mental health. But, you CAN become a trauma-informed leader and we have something to share that can help you get started.
041: Reaching Ambitious Social Impact Goals (Ann Mei Chang, former Silicon Valley Exec. & CIO at USAID)
Today on The Social Leader podcast, Fr. Justin Mathews interviews Ann Mei Chang, author of "LEAN IMPACT: How to Innovate for Radically Greater Social Good." If you have ever wondered how to go from helping a few people in need to actually making a big dent in the societal problem you care about most... this episode is for you.
040: “Making a Social Impact from your Corporate Job” (Chase Wagner)
Today's Social Leader podcast is for people who have a love/hate relationship with their corporate job. You love that you're able to provide for your family and the sense of achievement that comes from working on a high performance team, but you hate that somedays your work feels a little selfish, a little cushy, and a lot disconnected from the bigger social and environmental issues that are happening all around you.
039: Solve Community Problems Without Leaving Your Job
The Integrated Priorities Framework is a four-step, simple guide that helps you to figure out how to integrate your desire for social good into every aspect of your daily life and work.
038: Job Creation is Holy Work (Brian D. McLaren)
“When you study poverty, you realize unemployment is the root of all evil.” That’s Brian D. McLaren: author, speaker, activist, theologian, and guest on today’s Social Leader podcast. He reflects on how his eyes were opened while getting a tour through the slums of El Salvador. “Wherever you have high unemployment you have domestic violence, you have drug abuse… petty crimes, organized crime, gangs… To be able to provide people with good jobs is holy work, it’s great work, it’s important work.”
037: “I care. Now what?”
After the events of 2020, leaders were moved to act. In the wake of our evolving corporate consciousness another problem has become evident - a leadership gap. In this episode, Fr. Justin Mathews unpacks how we can begin the journey to close the gap between our passion and our social action by uncovering a hidden false assumption in our leadership worldview and becoming social leaders.
036: Looking back on a Year of Social Leadership
In this short podcast, Fr. Justin Mathews reflects on the challenges and opportunities 2020 presented and how we can learn to lead with greater social impact as we begin anew in 2021.
035: Find Your Calling
"I have done a lot of work in the areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion, bias and other things that to me line up directly with the Gospel. But I am still learning,” shares Fr. Justin Mathews. “I am still trying to listen and to hear the lived experience of my neighbors who have suffered greatly and continue to suffer."
034: Leading from the Heart
Every leadership journey is unique. Jeremy's started after he watched the Twin Towers fall on 9/11 from his startup office just blocks away. He decided to set aside his tech entrepreneurship dreams and pursue a life dedicated to serving others.
033: Unlearn then Relearn
On today’s episode, Fr. Justin interviews Emmy Award winning storyteller and public historian, Nathaniel Bozarth. They discuss how to unlearn your implicit biases, then how to relearn a new way to see the world around you.
032: Truth Teller and Hope Monger
On today’s episode, Fr. Justin interviews Dr. Rodney D. Smith, newly appointed VP of Access & Engagement at William Jewell College, about "radical inclusivity" and operationalizing diversity efforts on a college campus. Rodney shares his story and discusses truth telling as the first step toward racial reconciliation, race as a social construct and pseudo-science, becoming a "hope-monger" and much more.
031: Planning for Progress
On today’s episode, Fr. Justin interviews Kathryn Evans Madden, founder of Rooted Strategy. Kathryn is a Board member of Reconciliation Services, a Nonprofit Strategist, System Builder, and Culture Shaper. They cover a lot, including: movement building, organizing, racial equity, philanthropy, nonprofit leadership, relationships, accountability, entrepreneurship… even their favorite day planners!
030: Dog Grooming for a Higher Purpose
The Grooming Project is an initiative of Empowering the Parent to Empower the Child (EPEC), a 501c3 organization dedicated to reducing generational poverty in Kansas City. Through their state-certified grooming school and grooming salon, they train struggling parents to be pet groomers and salon managers, both in-demand, living-wage trades.
On today’s episode, Fr. Justin Mathews interviews Jarrod Sanderson, Director of Housing & Program Design for EPEC. They discuss The Grooming Project’s journey from an idea to one of KC's most influential social enterprises, what it really takes to help a family break the cycle of poverty, and why up and coming entrepreneurs should seriously consider starting mission-led businesses.
029: Be Good to One Another (Chief Geoffrey Standing Bear)
Long before 31st and Troost was home to Reconciliation Services and other great nonprofits... before Troost Avenue became infamous as Kansas City's racial and economic dividing line due to redlining and block busting... before Troost was a thriving economic hub for KC's Black community... even before this area was a slave plantation established by the Reverend James Porter in 1834... this area was home to the Osage Nation.
On today's episode of the Social Leader Podcast, Fr. Justin interviews Chief Geoffrey Standing Bear, Principal Chief of the Osage Nation. He is the great- grandson of Osage Principal Chief Fred Lookout. Now in his second term as Osage Nation Principal Chief, he continues the work of protecting and enhancing the Osage culture, language, and lands.
028: Creating Allies Across the Aisle: Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II
The Chiefs started another season 4-0, something just about all of us can get behind, at least in KC. But outside of rooting for our favorite sports teams, it feels like right now there's not much else Americans can unite around. When everything becomes us versus them, neither side wins in the long run.
On this week's episode of The Social Leader Podcast, Fr. Justin Mathews talks with Congressman Emanuel Cleaver II about what he believes it will take to regain civil discourse in the US and many other important topics facing our nation, including: re-engineering the police force, the virtue of nonviolent protests, and keeping the faith during tumultuous times.
027: Learn the Rules, Break the Rules
In this episode of The Social Leader Podcast, Fr. Justin Mathews talks with Dan Smith, co-founder of The Porter House KC (PHKC) and Reconciliation Services board member. PHKC supports entrepreneurs from the urban core, serving primarily minority individuals seeking the knowledge, support and skillset to start, grow, or transition their businesses to the next level. Dan is a passionate entrepreneur himself and a powerful social leader in KC. He and Fr. Justin discuss the importance of learning the rules and sometimes breaking the rules, leading by example, and expanding social networks.
026: Entrepreneurship and Leading in the Midst of Crisis
In this episode of The Social Leader, Fr. Justin interviews Kyle J. Smith, executive director of Determination, Incorporated and team member at Reconciliation Services. Determination, Inc. hosts entrepreneurship workshops for currently and formerly incarcerated people. (www.determinationincorporated.com) They discuss building community in times of crisis, finding your own path as a social entrepreneur, tactical advice for starting a business, stories of formerly incarcerated business owners, and much more.
025: Band of Angels; Leading with Music
In this episode of The Social Leader, Fr. Justin Mathews talks with Mike Meyer, Chairman of Band of Angels & Manager of Meyer Music. Band of Angels (www.bandofangels.org) is a charity that addresses financial barriers students face by providing band and orchestra instruments and music camp scholarships to children in need. They discuss scaling a family business in Kansas City, integrating technology into a legacy business, the healing power of music on a personal, familial, and communal level, building social priorities into your business processes, employee retention, purposeful work, and much more.