041: Reaching Ambitious Social Impact Goals (Ann Mei Chang, former Silicon Valley Exec. & CIO at USAID)

41: Reaching Ambitious Social Impact Goals (Ann Mei Chang former Silicon Valley Exec & CIO at USAID)
Fr. Justin Mathews, Reconciliation Services

Today on The Social Leader podcast, Fr. Justin Mathews interviews Ann Mei Chang, author of "LEAN IMPACT: How to Innovate for Radically Greater Social Good." If you have ever wondered how to go from helping a few people in need to actually making a big dent in the societal problem you care about most... this episode is for you.

Ann Mei started her career in the private sector with more than 20 years executive leadership at companies such as Google, Apple, and Intuit. Inspired to make a dent in global poverty, Ann Mei stepped into the public sector as a Senior Advisor for Women and Technology in the US Department of State and ultimately served as the Chief Innovation Officer at USAID.

Reaching ambitious social impact goals starts with understanding the principles of social leadership that Ann Mei shares in today's episode. From setting your intention and getting to know a societal problem with a humble spirit, to leading from the head and the heart, to processes for maximizing value, growth, and impact – Ann Mei will inspire you to be a force for good in our ever evolving world.

Learn more about Ann Mei Chang at www.leanimpact.org

For more cutting-edge conversations with experienced and innovative leaders, subscribe to The Social Leader on Apple Podcasts or the Spotify app. And visit TheSocialLeader.org to learn more about our e-course that will guide you through the head and the heart work necessary to reach ambitious social impact goals.


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040: “Making a Social Impact from your Corporate Job” (Chase Wagner)