Our Impact
The Community We Serve
We serve the entire KC area but prioritize the Troost Ave. corridor, especially the neighborhoods east of Troost, which have the highest concentration of crime, poverty, and trauma and the least access to resources. We work daily to advocate for our neighbors in need and strive to create meaningful community connections that can lead to racial and economic reconciliation in our city.
Our “Ultimate Impact”
Individuals engaged with Reconciliation Services, living both east and west of Troost Avenue, increase their personal well-being, advocate for their families and neighbors, and reveal the community’s hidden strength.
Client Guest Demographics
Theory of Change
We have an innovative approach to community healing that employs engagement strategies with neighbors from different racial and socioeconomic backgrounds that lead to meaningful participation in community-led works, sharing resources, reduced symptoms of trauma, increased trauma-awareness, increased skills and social connections, and reduced social isolation, ultimately leading to RECONCILIATION between families and communities.
Our Impact in 2024…
3,600 hours of
case management,
case support and
therapy offered
3,500+ neighbors helped through Thelma’s Kitchen, the REVEAL Program, and the Foster Grandparent Program
4,000 Thelma’s
Box Lunches
served to neighbors
in need
2,800 IDs and vital documents
provided for neighbors to access services and new opportunities
6,000+ volunteer hours
in Thelma’s Kitchen and for Reconciliation Services
1,050 neighbors
helped with rent &
in utilities assistance
71 seniors volunteered 58,000+ hours of mentoring and tutoring offered by 71 Foster Grandparents to nearly 300 kids
113 people received
$25,500+ in essential prescriptions, medical & dental supplies
Annual Reports
Public 990 Forms
Audited Financials